Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vâlcan Gorge

Vâlcan Gorge

Is located in eastern part of  Vâlcan Mountains at 1621 m altitude on country road Vulcan - Schela that runs through western part of  National Park "Jiu Walley". Vâlcan Mountains (maximum elevation atop Oslea - 1946 m) is located in the southwestern Carpathians by  closing Mehedinti Mountains south Carpathian arch, between River Jiu  and the Danube. In the eastern part of the group stands heights Straja - Mutu, and in the far west ridge Oslea. In Gorge Vâlcan,Vâlcan Cabana is at a distance of 7 km from the town of Vulcan. This you will find at a generaly search .

View to Gorj

From here begin the street through mountains, a reverse road even all which walking before walking from Gorj to Hunedoara. The first road was structured by roman army and was known like Ulpia Traiana  or Troianul and passed Vâlcan Gorge.  Today overlap  the Germans Path with a 6 km distance . Is.named like this because the romanian  army passed in 1916 the same road  to Vâlcan Gorge in order to free the Transilvania by germans and here was terible battles. 

I know, it seems more inhopitable... but is  national road because conects two countries in this state, I don't know why the authorities insist into idea with country street. May be they can not decide between Ulpia Traiana or Germans Path.

This point is the jonction between two historic street, Ulpia Traiana at right and Germans Path at left 

6 km from here at gorge

20 km from Schela village at gorge. Schela is the most nordic inhabitated place of country Gorj in romania. So Gorj mean Gorge. The two words have a big conection.

The label 664 mark this road like country road but is a national road more is an european road.

A green door open unexplored places. Here are many green doors, but we will take today just one. We will try to walk  in the footsteps of heroes, and we will walk over Germans Path street between point Schela and gorge.

Our adventure begin here at fontaine. This fontaine is located at nord of village but his memories are lost in time.  The old peoples from village said to me that was there even in the time of their old peoples. This can speak about 200 years but can be more old. May be was here when Michael the Brave passed this road with a litle army in order to conect the two regions Oltenia and Transilvania in one country- Romania. That was happened in 1600 and he passed this road - Germaqns Path to Gorge Vâlcan.

This are our dogs Novac and Aliosha what follow us in our adventure. 

The water from this fontaine what is knew it like never stop make a litle river and give water and confort even  to animals. 

Fontaine is in my right part

Is strange because I didn't find any reference about in any turistic guide. The water from here runs to the village by hundred of years but is not mentioned. This road was passed not just by soldiers but merchants passed animals and other goodies for sell them in Transilvania or Europe. In past the gorge was a very traficated road.
We take this water with a strict taste with us . Here no many peoples like it, but at laboratory analysis  was find pure and plain.

My sister Nicole make part in this expedition. Mount not dissapoint us giving spectacular surprises like this wonderful flower , later we will find berries and fresh water but the most important is landscape.

My niece  luciana looks to feel dificul the road and dogs the same because is a very hot day.

We are at 9 km out of village ascending and this road is a real path in a hot day.  Mount seems to like us  because in the midle of slopes this generous tree invite us to take a break.

I choose  the word path for the load of significance. A local legend sais about Michael the Brave he ascended  the hill with the horse and up the horse died. 

In Schela village are many legends about this places. The old peoples from village tell us stories about tresures and dragons. For them this road was more a path. In past when the Otoman Empire sent the soldiers to atack and take their goodies the peoples find cover in the big forest and in the caves from here. Neighbor is a village named Burns because the peoples from there maked big fires in order to alert others about atacks. Peoples take the path of mountains. When they come back find  everything  destroied. Mount supported them giving food, waters, wood and stone for constructions. Peoples in this places are farmers or animal breeders. This is their path. Sometimes a bear eat some unluky cow. Is the price what mount take for his support. 

WOW In the midle of nothing this monument! Great! Great! Great!!!!

Was builded in 1932 over the grave of Michael the Brave horse. The enviromental placement offer a grand spectacle. Built in stone and bronze the monument defititevely marks the year 1600 as a fact that Michael passed this places to fulfil a big desire of romanian peoples : THE UNION. If the visitor is not advised about he will be surprised with this historical page here at 10km of Schela and 10km before gorge on hilltop named Michael field.

Abandoned for many years the monument today enjoy an active presence atleast once a year in early August when peoples gather here bringing tribute to the great leader.

That bird want to flies or just stopped ? I want to try what I feel... Is wonderful...From here you can see far far away, entire river Jiu walley.

After this litle forest we will take again the hot road for almost 3km

Refreshing water supply

Fortunaely the road enter deep in forest . we wil have some fresh air.

This is gorgeous! Forest can offer you a litle confort if you have a minimum equypement like a sleeping bag. 

This kind of trees - rooms are everywhere  in this places. Was maked with a special technique by the sheperds burning a part of inside with out burning the tree.  One can have the security of 3 wals and a fire which means a lot in a bad weather case. Legends say that the forest was inhabitated by dragons. Long time ago a woman from village was surprised by bad weather with her animals. She tryed to use some tree-room like this when hear her name called from forest. Unfortunately she answer and then a thick fog enveloped her and she has lost consciousness. When she returned found was deaf.  So, if you hear your name called in tha midle of forest and you know you are alone don't answer.

This is our final point of this wonderful trip. Heights Straja - Mutu at 5km from here.  So, we are at point named Hoof and we passed walking 15km in this day.  We have a child with us and we must go back. It will be anothe day for pass the gorge walking. I not even thought  that we will reach until here.
It was an wonderful day. I will get again this trip and I hope I will reach the gorge. It was a very hot 30 July 2013 time 3.00 P.M. We hope to arrive to home until 7.00 P.M. We will be very tired tomorow but what day...

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